Frustrated when you see a dog digging under a bush? A child breaking off a branch? A runner hacking a loogie on the trail?
A parent letting a fast-food wrapper fly into the wind?
Handing park visitors a "Green Friendly Citation" can serve as a polite reminder about respecting Mother Nature.
Cut & paste the below to make your own ticket book!
Helpful guidelines for Dogs & Wildlife, Bureau of Land Management, Utah. Canyon K-9 Companion
Green Friendly Citation Fellow park user, you have been issued a Green Friendly citation for the following reason(s):
__ scaring the bejesus outta wildlife __ running blindly & bumping into others __ throwing rocks at
birds __ breaking branches or picking flowers __ making too much noise in a quiet place __ smashing beer
bottles on the pavement __ leaving poop or gum on the ground __ digging a hole that's ugly and wrong __
feeding wildlife your junk food __ tossing food wrappers willy-nilly __ having head lice, fleas or other cooties
__ pestering strangers __ spitting, drooling, or dripping __ smashing bugs and/or killing plants __
bringing negative energy into the park __ other_____________________ Green Friends is dedicated to Healthy
Parks, Healthy People, and Healthy Pets.